Cmdr Tobytoolbag
Diplomat / Mercenary
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Credit balance
Elite V
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Imperial Courier mpmeEp
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Marauders Shadowcouncil
Pranav Antal

Logbook entry

Neutron Highway 'Badge' Gained

18 Dec 2019Tobytoolbag
OK, so I took the plunge with using neutron stars to boost my FSD range and get me to where I needed to be a bit quicker. I'd heard it was possible, and indeed had seen some online tutorials explaining the intricacies of riding the jets to supercharge the FSD to roughly four times the jump range, but was nervous of getting it wrong and waving goodbye to several million credits-worth of exploration data as the ship was ripped to shreds on the magnetic forces in the star's effluent particle cones.
First one - 35 LY. Was that it? Big deal. Not much more than my modest 32.06 LY range. Had I got it right - were my settings on the galaxy map correct? Hey ho - press on to the next.
Next - 88LY. That's a bit more like it. Much jumping to fuel stars enroute, but definitely worth doing rather than just relying on the AspX's paltry unengineered range. Stress levels more manageable, having done one before and not ended up in a fireball of melting metal and ceramics.
Next - 135 LY. I could get used to this. We're making progress, and the ship's still holding together reasonably well. At least nothing an AMFU can't handle.  Maybe I'll make the Formadine Rift by Christmas.
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︎0 Shiny!
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