Logbook entry

The Letter

15 Nov 2019MsValkyrie
"Dear Vittoria, I hope you read this soon. You and I have been through hell together. Orphaned slaves, runaways and now Imperial pilots. We've always talked about living together after fulfilling our careers to the Imperial Navy. Now we are over 100lyrs apart. You're focusing on your career as becoming a distinguished officer in the Imperial Navy, while I focus on discovering the galaxy and spreading peace throughout the Empire. As you may know already, CMDR Knox and I have been assigned as partners in the Imperial Security Service. He's really fond of me. Last night before I took you out to dinner, he asked me to be the future Mrs Knox. I had to decline him because we're friends that just recently met, but my heart also belonged to another. I've had these feeling for you since childhood but was too afraid to come forward...until now. Enclosed underneath the tissue paper is a ring that I would like you to wear as a sign of me asking you to be my love. I want to travel the stars, discover new planets and see exciting views with you by my side. I want to grow old with you in our beautiful house in Cubeo. I can only hope you feel the same as I do. Looking forward to hearing from you."

Always and forever,
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