Logbook entry

News from around the Dock

04 Mar 2020MsValkyrie

Greetings CMDRS; This is MsValkyrie. Today is Wednesday 04, 3306. I bring you news from around Pilot Syndicate 4 space and beyond!

Calling all cargo transports! As of this writing, Fozard Dock in HIP 19934 continues to remain in a state of infrastructure failure. CMDR LilliSWE and the brave crew of SYNDRA continue to transport vast amounts of Ceramic Composites, CMM Composite, Insulating Membranes and machinery to combat this heinous state! Our citizens are seeing a boost in morale as the SYNDRA marked ships dock and unload supplies. Our very own LilliSWE has stated the following: "My crew and I have worked endlessly around the clock to haul 1000's of tonnes of supplies to thwart this disaster. I have seen civilian ships take to the black to transport cargo to aide in the effort. This is truly I sight to see." We can only hope there is a quick end to this disaster and life can return to normal.

In some uplifting news, the Syndicate is in expansion phase in several outlying systems. Our pilots work effortlessly to transport data to expand our influence. Nine systems are open to us expanding into their neighborhood. One local citizen stated that "a change in government is exactly what we need and we believe the Syndicate can give us the change we need!"
HIP 20480 has erupted into a state of civil liberty. Our reports say that civilians are extremely happy and praise the pilots of the SYNDICATE for keeping them safe and secure through times of distress and war.

Thargoid Report by LCMR Wise.
     Thargoid attacks on Lembass have ceased. Tsao Prospect has entered into a state of repair and are asking independent pilots to deliver materials and supplies in an effort to rebuild the station back to 100%. SYNDRA pilots are responsible for the evacuation of thousands of personnel from the station. Pilot Syndicate 4 pilots were quick to respond to the disaster and immediately retrofitted their vessels to aide in repelling the Thargoid attackers. Thargoid presence still remains strong in Pleiades and Witch Head systems, but no active incursions are present as of this report. Preventative measures have been taken to quickly aide in any future incursion.

!!NOW HIRING!! Pilot Syndicate 4 is hiring independent pilots. No matter your expertise, whether it be combat, trade, exploration, or bug hunting, we welcome it all! We offer a friendly staff. Fully stocked Centauri Gin, Lavian Brandy and all kinds of perversions at the famed "mail-slut" bar...when there isn't a tribble outbreak! If interested, please fill out the proper application in the squadron section on your ship computer.

That wraps up the news for today! Coming at you with all the serious shit! This is CMDR MsValkyrie.

*credit to CMDR LilliSWE for the amazing photos*
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