Logbook entry

News from around the Dock Vol II

06 Mar 2020MsValkyrie

Greetings from Fozard Dock. This is CMDR Valkyrie reporting in with all the news, gossip, and important events surrounding the galaxy's most lively dock.

Fozard Dock is currently suffering a massive infrastructure failure. Pilot Syndicate 4 management have requested that all independent pilots loyal to the SYN please aide in this disaster. Massive amounts of CMM Composite, Insulating Membranes, and Ceramic Composite are in extremely high demand and Fozard is willing to pay over 10k credits per tonne. Du Fresne Works have enormous stockpiles of Ceramic Composite selling for a reasonable price.

This is a warning to all cargo transport pilots to and from Fozard Dock. System authorities are on the look out for a rogue CMDR interdicting unarmed cargo vessels transporting supplies in and out of the system. VP Jerrod Kelly has offered a substantial reward for anyone who captures this criminal and brings him to justice.

Saud Kruger representatives have received numerous complaints about heat management on their Beluga-class liners. Some distressed SYN4 pilots have expressed concern that the vessel conducts too much heat when engaged in certain activities. While the Beluga is outfitted for luxury cruises, representatives have stated that with proper heat sink utility modules, the vessel can be used for rescue evacuations. Saud Kruger have made a point to emphasize that highly skilled pilots in that area are to utilize Belugas for evacuations. They also stated that Dolphin and Orca class vessels would be better suited as heat dispersion is managed better on them.

Artemis Lodge repairs have been completed and the station has never looked better! Even Thargoids can't keep the human spirit down! Much appreciation and thank yous go out to ALL pilots and organizations that assisted with the rebuilding efforts! SYNDRA pilots were on hand delivering thousands of tonnes of supplies to aide in the rebuilding effort.

!!NOW HIRING!! Pilot Syndicate 4 is hiring independent pilots. No matter your expertise, whether it be combat, trade, exploration, or bug hunting, we welcome it all! We offer a friendly staff. Fully stocked Centauri Gin, Lavian Brandy and all kinds of perversions at the famed "mail-slut" bar...when there isn't a tribble outbreak! If interested, please fill out the proper application in the squadron section on your ship computer.

This wraps up todays brief headlines. See you out in the black, cmdrs! Coming to you from Fozard Dock, this is MsValkyrie signing off.
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