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News from around the Dock

18 Mar 2020MsValkyrie

Reporting at you from the infamous Fozard Dock. We bring you all the latest news, gossip, and all around exclusive stories.

Infrastructure failure continues in HIP 20528. Silva Survey is requesting that all pilots stop binge buying toilet paper and make the 380Kls trip to help them out. They are in dire need of water purifiers and power generators, which are both sold at Fozard Dock. Sorry in advance to all the users of large ships, but Silva is an outpost. Get those Pythons equipped to carry alot. You can use Tanner's Folly but who the hell wants to keep landing on planetary outposts at over 380Kls out?

In other SYN4 system news, you can kiss Independent 65 Kappa Tauri Progressive Party goodbye! They're control of the system is about to be like my love life....NON EXISTENT! Clearly our pilots wanted it more. Congrats to all war-driven pilots. Your efforts will be rewarded with drinks on the house at the Mail-Slut.

!WANTED! A dangerous criminal is still on the loose. CMDR Griffin-745 is still our there causing trouble for the Syndicate board. He is wanted and a hefty reward of void opals or low-temperature diamonds are being offered to anyone who has proof of the destruction of this dastardly devil! REMEMBER! If you see this CMDR, kill on sight!

Thargoid Report

Reporting to you on all things xeno is CMDR Gianna Rodriguez.
As of this writing, there have been no active Thargoid incursions or attacks on human settlements or stations. However, many stations remain in the repair status. They are asking for materials and supplies to get back to 100% working capability. A complete list of these stations and what they are asking for can be found in Galnet under Thargoid reports.

In the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulae, scouts and Interceptors have been spotted. Due to the aggressive nature of Thargoid scouts, they attack on site. Many citizens view this as humanity invading Thargoid space. One civilian was quoted as saying, "With the vast amount of space in just this galaxy alone, why do we have to invade another race's personal space and attempt to drive them out?" This has raised a million questions among the Galactic community. It seems as though more and more people are asking themselves that exact question. What gives us the right to exterminate an entire race that doesn't attack us unprevoked? CMDR LilliSWE and her crew have begun investigations deep into Thargoid space to find answers. It seems Aegis isn't telling us something. The 3 Superpowers have requested that independent pilots stay clear of Thargoid systems to avoid starting further incursions.

!!NOW HIRING!! Pilot Syndicate 4 is hiring independent pilots. No matter your expertise, whether it be combat, trade, exploration, or bug hunting, we welcome it all! We offer a friendly staff. Fully stocked Centauri Gin, Lavian Brandy and all kinds of perversions at the famed "mail-slut" bar...when there isn't a tribble outbreak! If interested, please fill out the proper application in the squadron section on your ship computer.
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