Logbook entry

News from around the Dock

06 Apr 2020MsValkyrie

This week's news comes with a stern warning!

Thousands of pilots have converged on Borann to mine Low Temperature Diamonds. This rare commodity is now in high demand due to the announcement that Fleet Carriers are about to be sold to independent pilots. The hefty price of 5 billion credits just to purchase coupled with the undisclosed amount to upkeep the things have brought many pilots to starports to outfit their ships with mining equipment.
But all is not safe as it seems. Pirates and just straight up assholes have descended upon unsuspecting, and mostly defenseless, miners. Pilot's Federation Council have called upon security forces to patrol the system, but are refused because the numbers of pirates outnumber the security forces. Captain Anderson of Borann Security Forces has gone on record to say, "All pilots who wish to mine, should be warned of increased pirate activity and prepare to defend themselves." This has many pilots bringing bigger, more weaponized vessels into the mining rings.

In other news: HIP 20491 is suffering from a viral outbreak! Semeonis Survey planetary base is requesting medicines to combat the virus. These medicines can be purchased from Fozard Dock in HIP 19934 and sold for profit at the planet base. Our citizens need our help and SYNDRA pilots have begun to converge on the system with much needed supplies and doctors.

A Syndicate turncoat was found dead at Rond d'Alembert Installation in the Kaites system. Authorities have ruled this an accident. Further details were not made public due to the nature of the incident. Syndicate board members insist they had nothing to do with the accident.

Pirates who invaded SYN4 space looking for a quick buck have all been eradicated through the efforts of determined Syndicate pilots. One pilot went on to warn further incursions would be met with swift and deadly force!

Reports have stated that the tribble outbreak has been quelled, for now. These creatures have a right to live, just not in our bar if they have no credits to pay for drinks. The scoundrel, Griffin-745, has yet to be caught for releasing the critters, but SYN4 pilots say his day is coming!

Thargoid Report:
No Thargoid incursions have been reported. Independent pilots still say scouts are present in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulas.

!!NOW HIRING!! Pilot Syndicate 4 is hiring independent pilots. No matter your expertise, whether it be combat, trade, exploration, or bug hunting, we welcome it all! We offer a friendly staff. Fully stocked Centauri Gin, Lavian Brandy and all kinds of perversions at the famed "mail-slut" bar...when there isn't a tribble outbreak! If interested, please fill out the proper application in the squadron section on your ship computer.
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︎3 Shiny!
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