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Vox Galactica: BREAKING NEWS!

04 Jun 2020MsValkyrie

This is MsValkyrie coming to you live from Kamadhenu.

Tragedy has struck the Empire today. We at Vox Galactica have learned that Senator Demetrius Soren and his wife Jocelyn have been murdered. Their 14 year old daughter Becky has been kidnapped by three mercenaries. Imperial Intelligence Service has learned the identities of the mercenaries as: Rayven, Twitch and Jenessa. These three murdered the senator and his wife as well as a dozen IIS agents before making off with their teenage daughter. As of this writing, no demands or ransom requests have been made. Imperial stations across the Core Systems have plastered the faces of the mercenaries on mailslot holo-screens.

This is the second tragedy to befall Emperor Duval's closest allies. Many are beginning to think this as a personal attack against her from rogue faction, Nova Imperium. Nova Imperium have denounced Emperor Arissa Duval's reign and believe Hadrian Augustus Duval is the rightful heir to the throne. Nova Imperium have not publicly claimed responsibility for these crimes, but IIS agents are looking into the possiblility of their involvement.

We know that outside agencies have been contract to find and rescue the missing girl. These mercenaries are considered armed and extremely dangerous. DO NOT ENGAGE! Please inform Imperial Intelligence Services if you see them. A reward of 5 billion credits is being issued for the safe return of Becky Soren and the subsequent arrest of the mercenaries.

That is all for now. When more information becomes available, we will break it right to you!

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