Logbook entry


06 Jan 2020Saromon
Past month I am in the Bubble, freelancing and doing various activities and after earning a lot of money, I've decided to get one 'BIG GUY'. Of course I know the debates and rumors from a lot of commanders, specially on Inara network, but it is hilarious not to like this giant, fat, slowly moving ship. It's like playing one of these computer games from XXI century that you drive a big truck back on Earth. What could you expect? It's a ship, capable of earning you millions for few minutes, especially if you like to drive something big, bulky and slowly, like the trucks back in XXI on Earth.

Of course, the advanced docking computer do the trick to get through that tight entrance/exit of the stations. I don't use this computer on my other ships, but somehow here I felt that I need that, even tho that the computer often smash a bit the station during entry.

And you know what? The speed above 200km/s seems quite impressive for this one, especially when you carry 600 tones of goods.

This won't be my main ship, but is it worth the millions of credits investment? Yes, if you like to drive a Freighter.
Do you like it?
︎4 Shiny!
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