Logbook entry

The return of the Phantom (Ghost story)

02 Feb 2020Saromon
The date is 29th January 3306 in a system far away from the Bubble, I have discovered a peculiar moon to explore. The bluish moon with high mountains seemed like Giant's walk paths. The zig-zag canyons were all over the planet, showing a wonderful artistic view from the orbit.

System Traikee SV-T b4-0 A felt very strange. I have felt with my 6th sense that something was going on here, but do not know what and why.

The gas giant was throwing its dark shade on the star sky.

I stayed on a moon for a night (I prefer not to tell, because of the dangerous thing that happened to me and I told you the system so you never visit it and if you do, it is for your own risk) and on the next day(30th January 3306) I decided to hop out with my SRV and do a exploration mission. Not far away from the ship, around 4,8 kilometers the sensor showed me a geological site.

After the dangerous trip I took, around 15-20 minutes from the dangerous mountainside to the bottom of the canyon, I have found the geological site and started to research what's around the strange-looking rocks.

After some times I decided to recall my ship- Bagaturion because the way back would be extremely dangerous to climb the mountain.

Signal send and my ship were on the way.

After 20 seconds I was ready at the LZ and saw my ship jumping on top of me, around 5 kilometers.

But something was terribly wrong. The ship took a full speed downwards and was moving too fast. There were no seconds to respond. What I could only see is that the sensors were showing that the ship is going down. I saw that the violent speed that the Bagaturion was flying would crash it and destroy it.

It went behind a nearby hill and the board computer of the SRV has sent me an alarm message that Bagaturion is taking heavy damage. The ship has sent me a sound message with the sound of an explosion and moment after this, the sensors showed me that the ship is lost. There was no sign, nothing on the sensors.

Everything this for 10 seconds. My jaw dropped. I wasn't understanding what is going on. Thousands of LY from the Bubble, alone, stuck in the SRV, with fuel down to 75% I was shocked.

I have sent a distress signal and the only thing I could do is hoping that someone will pick my S.O.S. signal and save me, which happened. A nearby ship picked my signal and came to save me. It landed and I boarded it with my SRV. I felt joy that someone came for me but the extreme exhaustion from what happened was crushing my shoulders and it's like that I lost consciousness.

I woke up on a bed in Linenger station 101 Tauri. My head was hurting me a lot so I grabbed the painkillers and got a double dose.

I was evaluating what happened, why the autopilot failed and of course it was lucky I was alive!

The third expedition to the Unknown was a failure with all the data lost.

Two days later I have received a message from CMDR Sputnik, stating that in that a Phantom ship is signed with no one inboard. The ship's auto-pilot connected with the Tower for a request for landing. During the expection of the authorities, nothing unusual was observed.

After I went to see that for myself and I entered inside, there was a message from CMDR Sputnik in a white note, written by hand: "Always happy to help". After an investigation from me with help from the local authorities, CMDR Sputnik has not been seen to Linenger station and that there is no one with this name, working here.

'The Phantom has returned.' I smiled with confusion.

What happened? Who was CMDR Sputnik? Did he save me from the moon? How did Bagaturion survive? I have heard the explosion and saw the lost signal, but never really saw what happened actually. The ship "crashed" behind that hill and from the shock, I did not go to check.

Because I already signed papers with the insurance company to issue me another ship, the returned one got a Legacy Status from the authorities:

NAME: Bagaturion
TYPE:Krait Phantom

Legacy status:
NAME: Bagaturion's Legacy
TYPE:Krait Phantom

The Phantom is ready to explore and fly to the depths of the Galaxy.
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︎4 Shiny!
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