Logbook entry


07 Feb 2020Saromon
Be warned! To following will shock you and will completely change your experience in the Elite Dangerous flying, forever. Whenever you go, you will know, and see things that will be shown below.

First of all, the governments, the Alliance, the Federation and Empire have lied to us, or no, they just simply hide THEM from us. No way they didn't knew about THEM. I am sure they knew for very, very long time and they kept it secret!

Below you will witness an ALIEN civilization! How didn't we knew about it? It's simple, their primitive technology kept them safe from the civilians, like you and me, you see? The radio frequence they use are ancinet! Like the ones we used back in XX and XXI century!

And you know what the best part is? THEY are not here to kills us....... not sure if we don't kill them, because they are.... different? Maybe this is why the governments didn't revieled them before us! Maybe they kept THEM in secret so we don't go and start destroying their space crafts, stations and planet. No idea where they are coming from, but below you will witness, THE EVIDENCES, photographs I took! No Photoedit! I think. I have no idea how I have them. Seriously.

I WAS SHOCKED and Happy in the same time.

So the year is 3306 and I went outside the Bubble to do some exploration, as usual, jumping from system to system, doing the usual scanning stuff, you know, planets, moons, objects.

So after many systems, some explored, other don't, the following, the next system I jumped and scanned, as usual and notiched a small disturbance on the sensors. I tried to fix my sensors to pick up the frequency, but couldn't. I only could hear some static, but strangly static noise. I tried again and again, adjusting manually all possible frequences on my ship, but still, there was no way to pinpoint the exact place. So I started to wonder and the only way I could lead me, was the higher the noise, the near it would be, right?!

So after several hours of looking around, I saw a small white dot, far away from me, near the sun, wondering around, actually being static.

So I boosted my engines to go to check this strange appearing object.

As I appreached, I could see a object, looking like an ancient space craft, the ones we had back in XX and XXI century and NO WAY WE COULD REACH THAT FAR AWAY with that technology from Sol to here. No way! I am like, I don't know, hundreds, thousands of Light Years away!

So as I approached a little bit more, I have sensed something, this ancient looking ship was quite small, however I saw that is seems like it is functioning! That it is working! WOW! WHAT!??!?!?!? NANI!? 何?!Какво?!

My adrenaline was high, my hearth pumped blood like I was running as fast as I can, I couldn't hear anything else. Did my eyes decieved me? Did I drank too much rakia? When was the last time I drank rakia? Have I eaten some mashrooms? Am I dreaming?

The smile on the face, OH, he, wait, she, I don't know... it... was smiling at me. The Alien was happy! It looked happy! It had no visible weapons. It had two flashlights on it's head. AND IT Looked just like a human austronaut from XX and XXI century! WOW! Is it possible that this alien civilization was like... following our steps? Is this an default for all the aliens civilization?

First contact, like ever, maybe, I do not know, and you know what I did? I flipp it! Yes, I am a fracking moron, stupid, stupid, moron. The first contact with an alien civilization and sthe high adrenaline and complete lost of simple good behaviour and you know what? The little friend didn't like it! Didn't like it at all!

The smile dissapeared and a grumpy face, no, shocked, appeared. It knew what was that, I think... but how? It wasn't happy. I felt I did something wrong, I had to bail out, I had to get the fracking out of here. I didn't want to end bad... humanity could be stupid... I was stupid... I wasn't playing a gentleman, I was shocked. The little guy was shocked too. And you know what? I just flown away. I felt ashamed. The little guy was cute, intelligent, not alchocolic person like me. Hopefully I won't be remembered by them like that. They won't remember their first(?!) human contact like this.


Few hours later, I drank so much rakia, that I couldn't remember how long I slept on my chair. I woke up, probably few days later.

'What a crazy dream!'

Was I dreaming or it was true? What happened? Did I got that much drunk that I dreamed this strange dream or I drank rakia after the encounter?


It was a dream,

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