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Nostalgic encounter

15 Sep 2020Johnson ST
Yesterday while looking for crafiting in the vicinity of Dav´s Hope when scanning a ship that circulated there I had a great surprise to find my old colleague of the following figure

Today, this fellow of mine can mix in the crowd calmly like another lone commander. However, like me, this individual was born more than 10,000 years ago. Only because of this fact could he and I consider ourselves points outside the curve. But my surprise was even greater, due to the memories recovered from my distant memory (which I must confess: I thought I was lost forever). In these memories that date back to the end of the 20th century, my comrade (as well as the rest of us) acted with one of the many identities created in order not to raise suspicions of our immortality. However, this particular identity, "Marcellus Vincenzo Domenico Mastroianni", became famous at the time, playing roles as a very famous actor, a performance that still earned him a considerable fortune for that time. In fact, fame and fortune were such that the death penalty became problematic. He himself almost lost track of the interpretation of the interpretation, confusing reality and fantasy. I remember some works of the time like "la dolce vita" or "Intervista" directed by the memorable Frederico Fellini. Luckily for me and my comrade, society has a short memory when it comes to artistic works from the past.
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