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Help marlinists? Help terrorists?

06 Feb 2021Johnson ST
Taking advantage of the opportunity that came with the conference of the superpowers, I raise the question, not for any of them to answer, but for the community to speak.
Would the community be made up of individuals of high altruistic values or indifferent mercenaries? I participated in the rescue at Kepler orbital, in the Atropos system, where the victims of the terrorist attacks were struggling to escape death. After this event, to my surprise, several community initiatives followed to "help" the marlinists. What is the difference even between marlinists and terrorists? Have any terrorists been arrested and convicted? Is it possible to separate terrorists from among marlinists? Are all terrorists dead or imprisoned? Why are there no "initiatives" for these purposes? Who decides which "initiative" stands out?. Another initiative to help marlinists. I wonder, when will any initiative be launched to help their victims? Certainly the galaxy community has difficulties to meet the real needs of the people, or worse, maybe they see, and in this case the actions would show the negligence intentionally directed at the people who live in the imperial domains. They would be blamed simply for being born and living in imperial territory, thus being condemned to endure terrorist attacks. The community does not support the persecution of marlinists, that's fine! However, limiting initiatives to help this group to the detriment of others, gives the idea that terrorism pays off. I again challenge the brilliant minds of the community to answer this question posed here. Reveal yourself if you dare!
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