Logbook entry

Questions for Cimera

23 Feb 2021Johnson ST
After the NMLA attacks the imperial stations of the Gabjaujis, LHS 4031 and Rabh systems (Terminal Tsiolkovsky, Garrido Market and Terminal Muller) on September 10, 3306, several developments were unleashed, culminating in the arrest of several terrorists in the Atropos system in space Federation. On the occasion, yet another NMLA terrorist attack aimed at silencing prisoners took place in the Federation space. To date, no more terrorists have been captured, so that no one has paid for the crimes of these terrorist actions. Worse, the marlinists ended up receiving help, to the detriment of the victims of these actions, and giving the impression that terrorism pays off. So many questions to the superpowers, which arise as a consequence. Did the Alliance foment the NMLA to weaken the Empire and the Federation? What is the progress of the investigations? Who is carrying them out? Will the Marlinists hand over the criminals they are sure to cover up?
There is no way to hear these marlinists without these questions being elucidated.
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