Logbook entry

New Piracy

29 Sep 2021Johnson ST
War between Kumo Concil and Haithis Purple Dynamic Group. It is impossible to go through this conflict without remembering the countless coincidences in human history, many of which I was also an eyewitness. In the 15th century, the great navigations brought to light, as they are today, countless possibilities for exploration, trade and extraction of the newly discovered territories. But the ships that sailed the oceans were not accessible to any "commander", even with great resources. The "ships" of the time were technological resources, whose secrets were dominated by few "nations" at the time. Initially, two nations stood out with the development of ships adapted to the exploration and extraction of resources from the new territories. They were unprepared for combat. So the other nations that were behind the technological race innovated by producing combat ships and, in order not to provoke a great war, they also invented "piracy". They were individuals who spoke the English language. Thanks to this artifice, that is, piracy, the balance of power and wealth changed hands. Later in the late twentieth century, these same nations, which now held the technological power, which at the time were no longer ships but "software", were faced with a new type of piracy, software piracy. Magically the salvation board of these nations became a nuisance. For this reason, it was condemned and persecuted as an activity. Today, another chapter of this novel appears, the pirata produces the "drug" only to be pirated by the galactic corporations. Ironic no?
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