Logbook entry

By a handful of paintings

09 Apr 2022Johnson ST
In response to calls from Taurus Mining Ventures as well as Salvation's, we completed community goals on the HIP 39768 systems by delivering Guardian artifacts on the Musashi megaship and ores with radioactivity atypical of the Synuefe CE-R C21-6 system on the Heart of Taurus megaship. While the payments do not properly qualify as "profitable" as disclosed, it was possible to mine 202 tonnes of the pristine reserves of the Synuefe CE-R C21-6 system that will yield significant profits. Adding to the global awards of the initiatives and the collection of biological exploration and research data, it can be said that the initiatives end up paying off. As a bonus, we won a compulsory ticket to visit the T Tauri system, the headquarters of Taurus Mining Ventures. Although the return trip to LP 347-5 is a bit risky with the cargo hold full, I believe it was worth it. We just hope that Salvation's and the scientists at Taurus Mining Ventures make good use of the materials collected. Good luck!
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