Logbook entry

Elderly Game

03 Jul 2023Johnson ST
I know at this point in life at 10,000 years old I'm suspect to question, but it's getting hard to ignore the galactic ruling ages. We start with Empress Zemina Torval at around 132 years old, followed closely by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon at around 122 years old and ending with Li Yong-Rui at age 111, who make up the centenarian ruling class. As for the "mature" class, if you can say so, we have President Zachary Hudson with his 91 years old, Pranav Antal with his 84 years old and the Shadow President Felicia Winters in her 80s. Already among the "youngest" we have Empress Arissa Lavigny-Duval with her 66 years old, Denton Patreus with 56 years old, closely followed by Yuri Grom with her 53 years old and finally the Empress Aisling Duval with only 33 years old. Now that Lady Florence Lavigny, the mother of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has fallen ill, the obvious question arises "How old is this young lady?" Could it be that it is not quite time to revise the title "Galactic Powers" it seems that it is more like "Council of Elders"? (galactic powers panel data)
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