Logbook entry

There are days and days ...

01 Mar 20164gui4
Notice the C class FSD ... and the 2D fuel scoop ... He said, so, the sidewinder was ready to break out of that piracy.
So ... practice docking ... in particular I mentioned up/down movement (note that I say UP and DOWN, not TILT UP/DOWN)
I didn't even have the courage to argue with such wisdom. I did everything as taught or almost, I was bored, I was reckless and I went hunting on my own ... disaster, strike 1, strike2 I lost.
So I decided doing trade with cr 8000 and 4 load, pays the expense and spare some, and. ... do trade ranking,fine was recovering, on a trip to the station rang the phone and I answered it, putting the game esc, when I start had gone back to the beginning of the trip and the load was gone---> = 0
No option made the 3 incursion, was prudent and get out of there with cr 73000, went back to the station, sold the FSD, bought a Hauler bought another FSD, loaded and I'm back in the trade.
Made a trip, I was chased, escaped, at the station switched the ship for a Eagle anything own to trade but little money also went back to business and prospering enough to start dating another ship.
A few more trips and collected the money, bought and ran out of money to equip the ship and buy merchandise, is now had a much better ship that was not equipped to do the job,without money for insurance, or equipment, or buy anything. Is, no choice again.
I left the new ship parked and jumped sidewinder again and I went hunting ... waiting for the worst to happen. -Bad guys beware that this powerful force is going to face you.
When I arrived at the scene the legs were shaking, I was looking for easy, clean, clean ... oops shots and by far I've seen two ships of the Federal forces facing an Anaconda. I was hidden among the rocks watching those shields at 100%, wait, fall shields but is an Anaconda and if hit me melts me. She begins to take damage, 80%, 60%, impatient began to shoot and hit a rock snapped, recovered in time to take a few more shots before that monster to explode and that wonderful number appear on my screen.

I made it in season, this money helped to equip the new ship and left money to buy merchandise and my life back. I have no experience or equipment to hunt for anyone but there are days and days and them we do what it takes to survive.
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︎2 Shiny!
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