Logbook entry

Screw You, Green Horn

I fought the Thargoids from ship and feet, have given them all they had coming and more. I've taken my hits, paid my insurance more times than I can remember, and now I prefer visiting an isolated outpost, nursing my war wounds, and reminiscing with the spaced-out Push junkies. Finally, I tell myself, I've earned my retirement and can enjoy the good life, the safe life.

Then, I look out the lounge window, see the ships landing, the lights of the station blinking, the mail slot ever busy, and I know my heart is still out there in deep space. My eyes catch a glimpse of the star light just before a Cutter's fat bottom blocks the view and I yearn to be out there again, with heading set to an unknown and unexplored system. Perhaps it will be my feet that first lands on a rocky surface? Perhaps it will be my name forever etched in the annals of history?

I stretch my limps, feeling the ache and burn from many battles, and stand, perhaps a bit slower then in years gone by. Frederick, at the supply counter, waves me over.

"You look like you're heading back out, Commander."

"I was considering it."

"Have you seen my new stock?" Fred waves his hand at shiny new Dominator suits along the wall, packed with bells and whistles galore.

I smiled, stocked up my wares, and headed for the lift. Each step became lighter, and not from my gravity boots, as I approached the elevator doors and selected my Cutter's hanger. I was going where I belonged, where happiness was, where adventures lay waiting.

The doors opened and a young pilot stepped out.

"Excuse me, old timer."

"Screw you, green horn."

She smiled. "o7," she said just as the doors closed between us.

"o7," I said to myself, alone, but connected.

Not all who wander are lost.
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︎3 Shiny!
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