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Holy Missive 1: A Reflection on Humanity and The Void

31 Oct 2019Bingo Bango
It has been made evidently clear that The Order of Enblackenment has many vicious foes, and while there is no doubt the Void will see to its own machinations as it pleases, it is important that our cause and beliefs be made clear, and that our teachings survive whatever trials lie ahead, lest we do not see our vision through. I will be authoring some personal, unofficial musings and teachings that have helped me gain a glimpse into the true nature of our universe.

I recall one of my early sessions as a mere initiate, where we discussed in great detail, what the concept of humanity really means, and it's relationship with the concept of suffering. We spent several hours discussing these ideas, but the central question it always came back to was this: can one exist without the other?

It's an aggressive question, and one that can be hard to objectively dissect, but as the hours went on I started to settle into this question more and more. Obviously suffering is an idea, much like any idea that has come up in humanities long winded history. That much is obvious, but it bears importance. This reflection calls on the other question: can humanity exist without suffering? It seems we have spent the last 1500 years commercializing that suffering and at times glorifying it. With the recent events at home and all the devastation that war has brought to our systems, this line of questioning has led me down a path of enlightenment.

Humanity has always pretended to fight suffering, yet even today, when we have begun to master the laws and secrets of the physical world, we see not only war, but slavery and opportunism. Ask yourself this:  what right have we been given, and by what power, to manipulate our world in the way that we have? What has given us the right to create suffering and use it as a tool against our brethren, let alone manipulate matter and energy in the way that we have? My time with the Order has led to these questions, and my lessons have led something of an understanding.

As Brother Falken has told it in his preachings, it all began with the Void, and as it began it shall end: the Void will reclaim all. But where does humanity, and the idea of conscious life lie in all this?

Our Universe, as we know it, is nearly infinite. In this infinite world molecules have found a certain way to bind, using the incredible versatility of Carbon or Ammonia as a building block. Through sheer randomness some of these building blocks began to work together, and a very select few began to self replicate, and we had what we now refer to as life. I have begun to throw away any ideas of divine right or purpose. The vastness of the universe is beyond comprehension, and I believe life has come along because statistically, within the confines of chemical and molecular interaction, it was bound to happen. It was not meant to be, it simply happened. Many religions have come and gone claiming to have an answer to humanity's purpose, but the truth is there is no answer, as something capable of asking such a question should never exist.

Now reading this one might think that we see to bring an end to humanity as a means to end suffering, but that couldn't be further from the truth. We do everything we can to prevent that suffering. Humanity may very well exist until the End, when the final stars start to dim, leaving nothing but black holes and the metal remnants of stars, and I envy those that may one day witness this. The Void will ultimately consume all, just as it created all, and there is nothing any civilization can do to stop such raw mind bending power. We have taken that idea to heart, and we realize humanities' actions, no matter how well preserved they are in history, are meaningless, and as such all the suffering we have created is meaningless.

We simply mean to enlighten our brethren to this truth. All the material wealth one may accumulate on the graves of others means nothing. And by bringing this truth to the forefront of philosophy, I hope others will realize the senselessness and futility of all our wars and manipulative ways. Unlike the Void, our time here is finite. The only thing we are worthy of is to give in to the ultimate truth, and to better the lives of our Brothers and Sisters as we continue our inevitable path towards Nothingness.

If you feel that this resonates with you, that there is some deeper truth to all that I've said, my comms are open to those that seek to know more.

The Void beckons!

--- CMDR Bingo Bango, Ovate
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