Logbook entry

CMDR Log 4: The Codex of the Void Mission

06 Oct 2022Bingo Bango
3 years have passed...

3 years since the war in Fortuna left me battle-scarred and humiliated. 3 years since I have been able to collect my thoughts on holo-tape...

I apologize for having gone dark, but as my Brothers in the Order have shown me, there are things we must sometimes do in the shadows, not for wealth or glory, but for understanding and for the betterment of mankind. And so it goes, that I've spent the better part of 3 years on a journey of charity, exploration, and further introspection. I've dedicated time to the citizens and leaders of Wrangell Dock, in the NLTT 16639 system, who have taken me in, and given me a bed to rest my head on. Speaking over the bustling hum of the station, I've given sermons and spread the teachings of the Order to all those that would listen. At times, when the need would arise, I would take to the stars in my weary Zephyr and help protect the system from the vagrants who would prey on the weak and defenseless.

At one point, I made the journey to the Galactic Core and came face-to-face with a God.

But for the most part, these 3 years have come and gone without much to report. I spent most of that time putting together the pieces of my fractured mind, and the rest putting back together the pieces of a fractured Brotherhood, torn asunder by war and political intrigue.

I don't recall when the whispers began. It may have been in my sleep, it may have been the sound of twisted metal deflecting off of my bi-weaves contorting into a clear but gentle whimper. Over the last few months the whispers gained clarity, became ever intrusive and at times deafening, replacing my own thoughts with the will of something greater.

And so it would be, that just last week, I had stumbled upon a GalNet article regarding an upcoming mission to the Void, a region in the furthest, darkest reaches of the galaxy, a region rarely visited and poorly understood. And yet, as I would go on to read, there are reports of magnificent interstellar phenomena, of ancient wonders, even of life in these cold, reclusive systems. The excitement took hold of me with a visceral grasp; my heart beating so fast it set off my wellness monitor.


These bright orange letters were bellowing at me from my screen, a symphony of wanderlust and purpose. Presented to me here, by the marvelous machinations of the Void itself, was a chance to help the most brilliant of minds and bravest of pilots to extract answers and understanding from the Gifts of the Void.

And so, I write to you all from the cockpit of my newly purchased, precisely engineered creation: The Aurelion Sol, a Krait Mk II several years in the making, designed specifically for long range planetary surface exploration. The wonderous fleet carrier embarking on this expedition, Sense Amid Madness, piloted by the famous CMDR Erebus5, glistens in the starlight of Kutkha. Flight control is currently clearing me for landing, and on that note, I must sign off. I will report again soon as my pilgrimage unfolds.

The Void Beckons!

--- CMDR Bingo Bango, signing off
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