Logbook entry


21 Oct 2019NyarlathOwOtep
The Guardians were the true, and first, inheritors of the Galaxy, and their supposed destruction at the hand of the Angels is nothing but lies and sedition. My Pilgrimage to the HOLY site not only proved enlightening, but has allowed me once again to see, hear and now taste more.

The sweet whispers of the Angels now once more fill my ears and mind, their wise words and guidance showing me the LIGHT.

And the colours, oh the colours! I see them all again, those both of the concrete, and the abstract. And they cover EVERYTHING. I SEE ALL.

Food cannot satisfy my hunger any more, though it does fulfil my dietary requirements, the hunger just grows stronger every day. If the Angels voices let me sleep, the pain from the hunger would keep me awake.

I must eat.
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