Logbook entry

2nd Age of War - Entry 1

27 Feb 2024TexasZeEdiot
I made it back to the Bubble just in time to help out with the war that was going on in Kotigeni between Jericho Free and HIP 15062 General Organization. We ended up winning this war on the final day with a score of 4-3 after I hesitantly decided to cash in all 60 million credits worth of exploration data that I collected during my trip out to Beagle Point and back. This war had started just as the war in Farowalan was wrapping up. Luckily CMDR Black-on-Black was able to carry us through the war in Farowalan, with the assistance of an unexpected ally (CMDR Uranius Alternis) and get that war to end promptly at 4-0. The war in Kotigeni required the combined arms of myself, CMDR Black-on-Black, and CMDR RyxxyR, but we were able to successfully win this war and liberate Taylor Enterprise for Jericho Free.
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