Logbook entry

Training day with an old friend

23 Oct 2019User202186
So today I met up with an old friend. Nico.

Nico has always been pretty lucky, never having to worry about money, flying the latest ships, having the latest gear. Things seem to come easy to him.

Today I was showing him the glamours life of a deep core miner.

It took him a while but he seems to have the hang of it. Would have been nice if he told me he was about to detonate the seismic chargers a bit sooner but no harm done. A little scuffed paint nothing serious. He also learn the valuable lesson about not bring a nice new shiny imperial cutter to go digging for void opals.

His repair bill was rather expensive.

It was good so him again. we haven't been in a wing together since our last little exploration expedition into the outer Orion spur some time ago.

Sadly being in opposing navy's tends to keep good friends apart. Such as life I suppose.

On to the next adventure I guess. Void Opals wait for no man.
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