Logbook entry

Log 002 Engineers know best

24 Oct 2019User202186
So today I popped into Quator station while on a little run about to know where specific.

I taken some damage to the hull of my type-10 while lazying around. Not paying attention sent be crashing into debris floating around taking a nice chuck out of the forward hull.

So like most people I docked at the station and put in a repair request only to be met an hour later by angry kid barely out of his teens claiming to the maintenance chief.

I've never met a more irritating human being in my life. If this kid is what passes for a maintenance chief in Quator its no surprise the selection of modules for sale is so poor.

If it wasn't for the fact I needed the repairs I would have beaten the life out of him.

He tried to tell me my FSD needed an overhaul because it was Quote " as old as the guardians". It's a 7A grade engineered FSD...

I'm surprised no ones spaced the little rat. I'd do it myself but I'd rather not end up on a penal ship again all because of some idiot.

I couldn't spend a second longer on that station then I had to, even told them to skip the paint work.

I won't be going back there anytime soon.
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︎0 Shiny!
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