Logbook entry

Log entry 003 : Search and Rescue.

30 Oct 2019User202186
So today today has been a bit of an odd one.

I was sat in a bar on the station drinking the day away when I I hear a voice I haven't heard in a long time. An old friend of mine from early days in the Federal Navy. Sam.

Sam was a trainee field medic back in the day. Great when needed patching up but I have to be honest how that man passed his pilot training I will never know. He can barely fly a sidewinder in a straight line with the flight assists on but he's definitely the guy you want around when your bleeding on the floor.

But back to the point.

So Sam comes over saying he's looking for me for a while, Since he heard I'd set up the Apollo Corporation.

Turns out hes he's still working the Federation as a Medic out the Pleiades still patching people after the Thargoid attacks.
Apparently the Federation shutdown its search and rescue operations a couple months ago but there are still hundreds of people listed as missing and he was wondering if I would go out and take a look around.

Now flying around in the remnants of a Thargoid war zone isn't my idea of a great time but still, it's Sam. I owe him a lot. Back in the day whenever I was having a bad day, thinking of jacking it all he always knew how to keep me going. Even at my lowest point he dragged me back up.

The was a little catch to his request though. Yes he wants me to go looking for survivors but he's hoping I'll find one in particular. His brother.

They always sort of got along but they couldn't be anymore different. Sam the Medic, his brother Darren the engineer. Only when the Thargoids turned up Darren jumped on the Cult band wagon and headed out. No one's heard from him since...

Uh I really don't want to do this. Weeks out there in a blind playing hide and seek with an alien race that may decided all of a sudden that I'm not welcome.

I feel almost like I've been called into service again. I don't want to do this but I can't say no. Not to Sam because I know if was out there lost in the dark he'd move the stars to pull me back out.

So here we go. Next stop the Pleiades...
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