Logbook entry


16 Dec 2019User202186
So after the failure of the search and rescue mission I've decided to leave the bubble and I don't think i'll be coming back.

I'm leaving for the new frontier. COLONIA

A new start for me and a new home for the Apollo Corporation. I'll be honest I have no bloody idea what awaits me out there I just sort of woke up and decided sod it I'm going.

I know no one there, no idea what im going to do or how im going to live but hey its all part of the adventure right? Going in the unknown. We'll see. First I have to make it there. I havent even really planned out a route in any serious way.

All I do know is that right now im headed for Lagoon sector FW-W D1-122 after that, no idea. See what happens.

Also I've been thinking alot about that generation ship thats been coming up on Galnet alot lately. What is it Golconda?

Can you imagine being on that thing your entire life? I know as Commanders we live and breath space travel. But could you live on a ship and be ok with knowing that you'll never see the final destination? I don't think I could do that, unless maybe it was to a new galaxy but even then we have cryo-pods now.

That would be an adventure. New Galaxy, new worlds. new everything. Maybe we'd find a species out there that doesn't want to kill us off and take over. Imagine the tech they could have. Uh I really shouldn't drink and be in this seat....
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