Logbook entry

Colonia Pilgrimage #3

29 Dec 2019MadShaman420
Captain's Log Supplemental: 29 Dec, 3305. Skaudai CH-B d14-34 [Sacaqawea Space Port]
After jumping 2,700 liht years, LIFE! Jumping into a System deep in the Skaudai Nebula our Navigator suddenly jumped to his feet with excitement and screamed " a ship"! Looking on my nav panel sure enough a ship.. a sidewinder of all things! I ordered a scan of the system to reveal a human Outpost build onthe Colonia Highway. Sacajawea Space Port. The crew exhausted from the journey of 11,000 light-years from home can finally gobrest and mingle with people. Hopefully he laid. And tell a good joke and a laugh. This journey may just turn out better than a giant fireball after all.
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