Cmdr Admiralmeep
Runaway slave / Trader
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Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer FR3724
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Logbook entry

What to do

31 Oct 2019Admiralmeep
So, this logbook thing is pretty interesting. So I may keep it up. Not sure if people read these, but hey, maybe that one archivist might read this and say "neat story."

My thoughts aside on this logbook stuff. I did some mining with a couple of my mates. I swear, they are cleaner than my Beluga's pool, of which the pool is filled with painite. Bitching about how they don't like dumping limpets every so often to make room in the cargo bay after i fill my hopper. I guess i'll just stick to lone mining, at least I'm by myself and my music.

Saving for this 'Fleet Carrier' isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Once you get into the 2 billion mark, it seems to just, go a bit quicker. Not entirely fast, but not too slow. It just, seems mind numbing, I guess. Something that you can just drone on about. That droning thing might just be me though.

I haven't thought much about what I'm gonna do once the Pilots Fed drops the fleet carriers. Maybe do a bit of exploring? Keep mining? Not sure. I was thinking of maybe going out into the black and setting up a small, community where we mine for a few months and then return to the bubble with our riches, that's a thought I've had going on for a while now, maybe find an elusive triple painite hotspot.

Honestly, at this point, I don't know what to do. I guess I'll just keep mining and I'll just, as they said, cross those bridges when we get to them. Something to that effect at least. Keep an eye on your fuel gauges cmdrs o7.

Also, today is the 31st of October. Happy Samhain, or Halloween, or whatever you celebrate.
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