Cmdr Admiralmeep
Runaway slave / Trader
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer FR3724
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Logbook entry


14 Nov 2019Admiralmeep
Okay, so it seems people are quite... Picky? About what they read. I dunno. This is all still kinda new to me. Onto the Subject matter.

So I recently hit 5 billion credits. Insane number. 5,000,000,000. I'm glad I hit this much, but I feel like I could do more. However, at the same time, I want to explore as well. Take some time out and enjoy the stars, maybe make a few discoveries. At the same time, though, these prices are pretty good for painite. What do I do? Both methods will earn me credits, albeit one faster than the other. They both have their drawbacks.

Painite mining is a fast, easy, and tedious way to earn credits, and you immediately reap the rewards. Your day pretty much involves leaving home, going mining for a few hours, selling your load, then either going back to the rings and mining, or going home. It's nice to be able to go home at a moments notice.

Exploring on the other hand. Well, its beautiful. You get to see sights that nobody else may ever see. The down sides, you need to be able to be self sufficient. You'll be in the black for the next, how many jumps? You've lost count. But did you see that star? Beautiful. Forget ease of home, the only bed is that of your ships.

I guess what i'm trying to drive at here is, I dunno what to do for my future. I've hit this... road block. I dunno. I'll see if I have an answer next log. No guarantees though.

Fly safe cmdrs o7 and keep an eye on your fuel gauge.
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