Cmdr Admiralmeep
Runaway slave / Trader
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Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer FR3724
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Logbook entry

Still alive

21 Dec 2019Admiralmeep
Wow, its been nearly a month, I'm sorry guys... again... I'm trying my best to be better about this stuff. Ummmm... I'm still alive, at the very least.

There really hasn't been much going on. I helped a starport get repaired and such... uhhh...

Oh... if anyone is interested about the Fleet Carrier Colony, its still happening, just waiting on Brewer Corp to release more info on the carriers. I hear they're going to have a press release on the 6th of January. So i can't wait for that. Myself and my higher ups have decided to change from a mining colony to just a colony. So if you're interested in joining our colony, we won't be accepting new members til after February, but feel free to drop me a note or something. Still working on the home system, but we more or less have one selected, just need the other place scouted out.

Also, 3305 is coming to an end, wow, 1 year since I started my journey. amazing. I haven't been here for very long, but its been a long journey, with ups and downs. Here's to 3306 and the new adventures that await. That said, to all the commanders out there, happy yule/christmas/whatever you celebrate. And Here's to all the cmdrs out there who've given there all this year.

Fly Safe Cmdrs o7 and keep an eye on your fuel gauge.
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