Cmdr Admiralmeep
Runaway slave / Trader
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Diamondback Explorer FR3724
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Logbook entry

This ol' thing...

22 Nov 2020Admiralmeep
Well would ya look at that... found my PDA... underneath some cargo.  Heh... guess it's been a while since I've updated this thing... Should probably fill you in...

I guess the first thing I should let y'all know is that... well... I'm still planning on the DSSA thing, just, takin me a bit longer to do...  Especially now that the Pilot's Fed are finalizing the technology to get us onto planets n stuff.  I also heard that they're working on opening lounges in the starports, which'll be interesting to say the least.  We'll actually be able to visit some of the vendors at the ports.  That said, my carrier will be deploying as soon as that tech is accessible and I've had time to toy with it all.

I recently came across a new commander, her name is Hayley.  She's, an interesting character, I told her she could have a spot on my carrier, and I decided to help her out, and give her some starting funds.  I  then showed her how I got the funds, the process n all, so she could experience it, turns out minin ain't her thing.  Which is fine, but I'm offering her board on my carrier until I go out to the black.  There's something about her that I like, not... sure though...  

Tryin to get money is gonna be difficult come Monday... I hear the Pilot's Federation complained enough to the powers that be to adjust the economy of mining so it's not as lucrative as its been for nearly a year now.  I understand why, I'm sad that they're changing it, but at the same time I welcome the change, to be entirely honest, I'm tired of mining.  Though rumours are spreading that combat is going to be a bit more lucrative than it is now, which is a welcome change.

Honestly, at this point, I've an idea of what I want to do, I just... need money, my carrier needs it actually... It don't have enough to cover daily stuff, or purchase some things that are needed. but, at the very least, I can make money where I can. Well, my ship is done bein service, and I should probably get back to trading with the ports, at least doin this keeps me outta the rings...

Fly safe cmdrs o7 and keep an eye on the fuel gauge.
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