Logbook entry

A Chance Meeting...

29 Aug 2021Titus McCloud

"There are certain things that men must do to remain men." - Captain James T. Kirk


This is my 2nd logbook entry (more on that and why later). It’s been approximately 1,600 hours since my last logbook entry.

Logbook Entry

I’d been busy plying my trade since my last logbook entry some 13 months ago. A bit of trading, a bit of bounty hunting, a bit of void and surface mining, a bit of mercenary work for differing factions in no specific systems. Basically, making ends meet and trying to build my fleet. Never could quite muster the energy to update my log.

I’d just finished up some courier work for the Federation in the MAINANI system and was enjoying a rare evening off in the local bar – The Howling Dog. Was feeling a little rough around the edges while I busied myself with planning my next adventure, when I let my eyes wander around the bar.

Hmmmm…. she looks vaguely familiar”, McCloud thought to himself as his eyes settled on a small waif of a Commander propping up the bar.

She looked a bit disheveled and unkept…. her eyes darting nervously here and there. Her Remlock flight suit was clearly at least one size too small, accentuating her delicate curves, although her frame appeared slight, and she was quite petite.

Perhaps 55 kilograms and 1.65 meters tall.” McCloud unconsciously thought to himself.

Even from this distance he could tell her hair was artificially colored a light, strawberry blond as so many women do in the galaxy these days, but a discerning eye could see she was indeed blond.

Wide, almond shaped, gray eyes, full lips, freckles, and a mouth and nose slightly too big for her face completed her visage. Some wouldn’t find her attractive, but McCloud felt just the opposite. “….and she looks familiar, but where have I seen her before? Surely I would remember meeting such a striking woman?” he thought to himself.

Hmmmm…. I’d like to get to know her a little better”, he thought to himself as he pondered on how her “one size too small flight suit” accentuated the curves of her behind and chest.

McCloud wandered over to re-introduce myself again.

Please forgive my boldness, but can I buy you another drink? Scotch is it?” McCloud asked as he reached for her glass and signaled the bartender for a refill.

She simultaneously heard his question and felt his hand against hers as she first looked up at him and then back down to his hand that was now resting against hers, “Ohhh…hello” she said. His touch on her hand was electrifying and she trembled ever so slightly.

I believe we met in PROCYON last year. You helped me with organizing my activities and gave me some pointers on logbook entries.”, said McCloud.

Yes, I remember you. McCloud, isn’t it? Commander Titus McCloud?” she asked.

I remember you were interested in my logbook entries and how to keep better track of your own activities. How did that work out for you?” she asked.

It worked well for a while. Really well. Lately though, I feel as though I’ve fallen into the same old dull routine.” replied McCloud.

Same old dull routine…..I know the feeling. Some time ago, I also found myself in such a rut.” she replied as she sipped her scotch.

I’d like to tell you more, but we don’t have much time. I want you to listen carefully to me. What I’m about to tell you may save your life.” she stated matter of factly.

Look, I’m just here for a drink or two, plan my next business, and maybe meet a nice woman, I don’t want any trouble.” replied McCloud.

-I’ve been tasked by my superiors to watch out for Commanders with potential. About 13 months ago, I noticed your name rising quickly through the Pilot Federation ranks.” she went on.

Since then, I’ve had my eye on you. It was no accident that we met for the 1st time in PROCYON last year. I’ve had my eye on you since then. It’s no accident that we are here together either, I followed you here to MAINANI on purpose. I’m here at this bar on purpose. I’m dressed like this on purpose. I know what you like…” she said, glancing furtively at her modest chest, “- and I know what you don’t like.” she finished, glancing at the scant clad, curvy women in the corner of the bar.

I wanted to meet with you again and discuss a potential future for you with my organization.” she finished.

Future? What potential future? Followed me here? Why would you follow me here? What organization?” I asked.

Look, I’m a member of a clandestine organization whose primary mission is to find Raxxla and the secret Dark Wheel station.” she said.

I was recruited some 4 years ago into the Tenebraen Knights…just like I’m trying to do now to you.” she continued.

We watch for, seek out, and then attempt to recruit the best of the best that the Pilot Federation has to offer.” she stated matter of factly.

My organization has had its eye on you for some time.” she finished.

I’m a pretty modest Commander, with pretty modest skills. I’m certainly not the best of the best that the Pilot’s Federation has to offer.” replied McCloud back to her.

Quite the contrary McCloud. You’re the Commander who ranked triple Elite in a mere eight months. You’re the Commander who fought in and made a name for yourself in both the 1st AND the 2nd MITNHAS wars.” she started.

You’re the Commander who has discovered 36 Earth Like Worlds…you’re the Commander who singularly hunted down and ruthlessly destroyed over 2,700 Thargoid scouts in one month, and you’re the Commander who is a both a King in the Imperial Navy AND an Admiral in the Federation Navy.” she added.

Yeah, but none of those achievements are truly remarkable.” rebuked McCloud.

True…. many Commanders have those achievements. But very few have achieved all those things together, and certainly none in as little time as you have McCloud. A Commander like you, with your skills, and with your determination, comes along once or twice in a generation. Yes, we’ve had our eye on you for some time McCloud.” she finished. “As have I”, she added.

Others have been watching you as well. Others that may mean you harm. I’m here to discuss your future with my organization and how to avoid those that may wish to do you harm. I’ll be honest with you, our interest in you has piqued their interest. I’d be less than honest if I didn’t confess that you are in danger now, because of myself and my organization.” she stated.

Who means me harm. I’m a simple Commander. Who are 'they' ?” replied back McCloud

I’ll tell you more, but we’ve run out of time. If you’re interested in joining my organization, your 1st step is to avoid those that wish you harm.” She said.

They are closing in on you fast. They may already be here in MAINANI. They may in fact already be here in this bar.” She said glancing furtively around, her gaze finally landing on three nasty looking individuals with Karma C-44 SMGs entering the bar.

In short, you must run McCloud. Go into the black for an extended period with no contact with anyone. Don’t update your logbook entries. Don’t turn in any Universal Cartographic scan data. Don’t try to contact me. Basically, lose yourself for some time.” she said.

Where do I go? What should I do?” I asked.

I can’t tell you exactly what to do, you must follow your own path…blaze your own trail. I can tell you that I was recruited under similar circumstances as you are now experiencing. I was being followed, hunted down, and I had to run. In the end, I decided a circumnavigation of the galaxy was in order and was probably the best way to conceal my tracks and hide for a while.” she said.


Normally I’m skeptical, but there was something about this woman. The earnestness in her voice, her frankness which bespoke of her honestly, her innocent appearance, ….and yes…the curve of her behind, and chest. She indeed seemed my type.

Perhaps I do need a bit of a break from my normal routine….”, McCloud thought to himself.

What’s your name?” McCloud asked the woman as they both got up from their seats.

Leilany…Leilany Rodriquez…” replied the woman as they both hastily left the bar hand in hand.

(CMDRs note to logbook: Per Leilany’s instruction, this logbook entry is 5 months delayed.)

McCloud signing out…
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