Logbook entry

The Next Frontier 3306-

23 Dec 2019RoguePLC
The Next Frontier 3306 -

What will the next year hold for us all? With the festive season already in each and everyone's mind, its evident that the whole galaxy is now in supercruise and relaxing. Most will go back and spend the time with family and try to relax as much as possible, some will occupy the Galatic bar or just be with friends. But one thing is for certain that we all have our own way to prepare for next years challanges.

To each and every Cmdr out there, job well done and thank you for all your time and contrabution into this vast milky way we all call home. Its been a hassle with grinding ranks, completing missions and taking new territory but we made it. From rebuy screens, cashing in those mining trips to turning in the Cardiographic data from countless lightyears traveled. We have lost Cmdr’s along the way but we must all honor them for the time they were apart of us. Lets all be gratefull for what we still have, Family and Friends and our better halves. Some missed us on long journey's into the void, yet they are still with us after countless hours behind the wheel. Lets go into this festive season and give our time to them for all they have done in supporting us during this year. Without them we will have no purpose and no heading in our lives.

Its been a wonderful year so far, not just for JTFZ but for the whole galaxy. Each and every faction worked around the clock to complete missions and conquer new space. In the small time that JTFZ has been opperating (only 50 days), we have surpassed our expectations as the new squadron on the block.

We will be setting our sights higher in 3306. To all Cmdr's out there stay safe enjoy every second and never let off the boost. Should you need a faction please feel free to contact us, we all need each other in the end.

Lieutenant Commander
Public Relations Officer
Joint Task Force Zulu
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