Logbook entry

'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' Captain's Log: 22nd July 3306, Toolfa System

22 Jul 2020Michalfocpl
First Entry

Star Date 22nd  July 3306
Current system: Toolfa
Destination: Plaa Thua NI-T c3-0

Well that was an eventful one... Before finally commencing out journey we had to restock some of provisions as we got carried away during those past two days of celebrating completion of preparation for our expedition. At last, though, we go back into the dark. I spent weeks over the charts with my navigation officers. There was a lot of disagreement, but to hell, I AM the captain of this damn fleet, and we ARE going to reach Colonia via Beagle Point.
I did not mention to them that I bet some shady characters over 3 months ago that I will do that.
It's done now. We are en route to our 1st way point, and the plan is plain and simple - set up a temp camp, refuel the carrier, as I don't want to dip into our reserves just yet, jump into HMS Thunder, and go out to explore the area for 3 to 4 days. That's the plan... as if it ever worked out the way I planned.

So far so good, we made our fortune when the market went crazy over those damn Diamonds. I am not complaining here, we made enough cheddar to keep North Star floating in the dark for next 3 years without spending a penny on it.

We are slowly approaching our destination, I need to get the engineers to refit the clipper and get it ready. Let's have some fun.
Over and Out.

Second Entry...

Oochorrs CG-G a10-0
22 Jul 2020 19:48:29
Ship: HMS TRIDENT (Anaconda)
Jump distance: 76.87 ly

Well that's a great start, not even got to 1st way point and nearly crashed the Trident into this Brown Dwarf, fried some of the modules and had to head back to the carrier.

NO MORE KONGGA ALE before the flight.

Anyway, we have revised our original thoughts on the expedition, we decided that we will fly the carrier until the tanks are empty, find a decent spot to refuel the main tank while the crew sets up a camp. If it takes us more than 6hrs to mine 1000 tritium, I will not be happy.
After that we will be spending 3-4 days, depending on refuelling time, exploring the area. I knew it was a good idea to hire Universal Cartographics agent.

Anyway, due to my drinking habit, todays journey had to be cut short, we are about half way to our first refuel point. The navigation officer is still plotting the most optimal route to Beagle Point, the hell takes him so long I do not know. Let's just hope that he will not drag us to the edge of the freaking galaxy, but knowing him we are heading just there.

Since I'm not planning to sit in the pilot's chair anymore tonight... The Hubble Pub it is then.

Over and Out.

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