Logbook entry

'Real peace of mind is the companion of the silence of the mind.' Captain's Log: 23rd July 3306, Plaa Thua NI-T c3-0 System

23 Jul 2020Michalfocpl
***DISCLAIMER***  From now on my log books will contain strongish language and not so pleasant opinions and/or descriptions that some readers may find offensive. If You can't appreciate the time and work invested by the author into keeping this log, or simply you were raised to be a god damn snowflake, leave now and get on with your stuff. This logbook is a pure recreation of experiences and feelings towards a VIDEO GAME so deal with it and don't be a twat. If You feel offended, that is not my intention but I don't give a flying fuck either. You have the right to Your opinion and expressing it, and I have the right to not give a shit about it. ***DISCLAIMER***

First Entry:

Star Date: 23 July 3306
Current location: Plaa Thua NI-T c3-0
Task: Waiting...

The carrier should be in the system momentary, I am sat in Trident's crew lounge sipping on Pina Colada, waiting... I needed this... I have not scanned the system yet, I still have time. It seems like there is a big nebula in the direction that we are heading, I might nip out there for a day to do some exploring while North Star is en route to way point 1.2. Or not... For now I am enjoying a moment of peace, gathering thoughts and contemplating weather I should jettison that moron officer of mine who calls himself  A NAVIGATION OFFICER. He sent me this...

I calmed myself down, after all it is an official expedition so if nav officer won't show up alive somewhere, guess who is gonna get fucked for it? No, I have a better idea. We are heading to the furthest placed station from Sol after all... I checked that route though and it seems like an interesting venture so we will take it anyway. The advanced navigation computer I nicked... ehm bought from a merchant some time back was a great piece of kit, but even that threw me an error when I tried plotting the route. Well, fuck. Manual plotting for the next 300000ly it is than. Because mining every 3500Ly, exploring areas to at least brake even during this journey and keeping the record of it all is not enough work as it is already... prick.

Carriers here. Best get my lazy arse back to work.

Over and Out.

Second entry:

Ship: HMS Dutchman
Destination: Plaa Thua NI-T c3-0 B star and surrounding planets

My head is all over the place because of this expedition but I could swear that carrier's main tank should be bone dry by now. Yet for some reason I have half a tank left. I will stick to the plan and refuel here along with some exploration. However I am interested how is that possible, is the tritium in Sol spiked up or something? Or did I have some generous visitor(s)? Carrier's log does not report any inbound vessels apart from HMS Trident.

Bizarre indeed...

Over and Out

Third Entry:

Lets get down to business, I venture out in my cutter to scan the system we are stopping in for next few days. I will start with furthest bodies first as there is an Amonia World, nothing special really but that crash from couple of days ago set me back a few credits so that should cover the repairs on Trident.

Now, Tritium.  Let's have a look...
B 6 hot spots:
1 single Void Opal
1 single Grandidierite
WASTE OF FUCKING TIME, not even gonna bother scanning the rocky ring on it
b 7 spots:
1 single Diamonds
2 single Grandidierite
b 8 hot spots:
2 single tritium
2 single bromelite
1 single grandidierite
3 single Diamonds

B star sector a bit of a waste of time, damn. Head back to star A area and check that out.

Heading towards A 2, it does not have Icy ring so no tritium there but inner ring looks like quite big metallic ring so I will check that out. maybe I will find some of that Platinum that have an order for.

A 2 spots
1 single Monazite
1 single Platinum
Shit. we have A 5 left to check out. I hope there is some tritium otherwise 160000ls trek back to B class region. Why it's never easy?
A 5 spots
1 single Void Opal
1 single Bromelite
2 single Tritium
1 single Diamonds

This one is not bag, singles but diamond is entirely inside a huge tritium spot and near it's centre so I might make some lucrative mining here....


Over and Out

Forth Entry:

Shit, I need some sleep. Quick note on short exploration round. The area is full of class F and class G star systems. A bit further out I spotted few A classes, will head there tomorrow to check that out. For now couple of systems worth mentioning:
Plaa Thua CL-Y d10
Couple of hmc tfs there, nothing super exciting
Plaa Thua CL-Y d10
Again, nothing to shit yourself over with but still something to do there. 3 hmc tfs and a ww tf with Amonia atmosphere.

Damn, its The Hubble o'clock already!

Over and Out

Daily Log Complete
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