Logbook entry

“Of course there are worlds. Millions of them! Every star you see has worlds, and most of those you don't see.” Captain's log: 25th July 3306, Plaa Thua JM-W d1-6

25 Jul 2020Michalfocpl
First Entry:

Star date: 25th July 3306
Current Location: Plaa Thua JM-W d1-6
Destination: HMS North Star
Ship: HMS Thunder

Coffee... check. Shower.... check. Shave... fuck it. Slowly I dragged my butt to the cockpit and noticed few minor alerts on diagnostic screen. 'Hull integrity at 50%' she says. 'Heat sink out of ammo' thanks for stating the obvious Anika. Thunder's AI was upgraded before the trip, my engineers thought that it's a good idea to name her after my ex... Fucking hilarious.

Quick glance on the nav map, I'm only 4 small jumps away from the carrier, plotted the route through systems that I was yet to see for the first time. Might as well. 'Frame Shift Drive charging...'. Yes, I flicked the fucking switch, thank You for telling me that, I would never notice myself. Bitch.

Off we go...

Over and Out.

Second Entry:

Four jumps and some more hmcs tfs and a ww non-tf, I find myself back on the deck of the North Star. I turned all the data I collected so far. 'Thank You, captain' said nobody. All I could see were the fucking Cr. signs in the eyes of UC agent... money grabbing bastard. I did not have to remind him to pay his share of the profit into carrier's deposit at least. He's day would become hell of a lot worse if I did and he knows that.

The crew was taking their time fixing up the Thunder and replenishing heat sinks, I had time to plot my route for this afternoon. Green lights popped on the diagnostics screen. There she is 'All systems checked, no issues to report, captain'. About fucking time.

Landing gear up. 'Frame shift...' volume up on radio station. "Highway to the Danger zooooooone". That's better

Over and Out.

Third Entry:

After few jumps of so so systems, I decided to change the course a bit. And immediately we hit this beauty

Plaa Thua ER-V c2-2

2 hmc tf
1 ww tf

I thought maybe couple of more jumps and we can have a little rest out here in space. And strangely, same as last night on the last jump we hit the jackpot...

Plaa Thua WZ-Y d7

2 hmcs tf
1 ww tf

Nothing special right? Well, there in the distance, scanner picked up another signal. another hmc tf. That made it 3, this one however had a rocky moon orbiting. All of the sudden the computer went crazy. Terraformable. Rocky terraformable. The hell? I heard about those... never seen 1 myself before. I call that a sign to call it a day. Damn its a good one though.

Over and Out.

Daily log Complete.
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