Logbook entry

Sometimes You just have to stop... Captain's Log: 26th July 3306, Plaa Thua WZ-Y d7

26 Jul 2020Michalfocpl
First Entry:

Star Date: 26th July 3306
Current Location: Plaa Thua WZ-Y d7
Ship: HMS Thunder, Imperial Clipper Class
Destination: North Star, Drake-Class Carrier

This can't be good. Diagnostics popped an error waking me up. It looks like last night when scooping one of the stars, some capacitors overheated and now we are running on 70% power. Jumped in the seat, silenced Anika, she is doing my head in. Route back to the carrier plotted.  Fired up the AFMU, thrusters back to 90%. This should be enough for return leg of the journey.

'Frame shift drive charging...' ow shut the fuck up.

Over and Out.

Second Entry:

I'm back at the Carrier. The crew is attending to the Thunder, it's time to strip it down of few components and transfer them onto the Trident. Meanwhile, I head towards pad 7. There she is, my T9. I would not sell it her for full carrier of Diamonds. She made my early fortune possible. I will have to haul some Tritium from the storage to the carriers tank. Who the fuck designed it that way, I don't know, but they should get kicked right up the arse. What a waist of time, but needs doing nether the less. Time to move on to the next area to explore. I found some rather interesting systems here, but it feels like I still come across a lot of places that were already visited before by other commanders. I long for the vast emptiness of the void. Somewhere, where no man before me laid eyes upon.

Engineering first officer reports the Trident is now ready for take off. I consulted, god help me, my navigation officer and plotted a route. I have a bad feeling about this though.

For now, I decided that I can head over to The Hubble, our destination is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Over and Out.

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