Logbook entry

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” Captain's Log: 27th July 3306, Plaa Thua NI-T c3-0

27 Jul 2020Michalfocpl
First Entry:

Current Location: Plaa Thua NI-T c3-0, landing pad of North Star
Destination: not what it should be
Ship: HMS Trident, Anaconda Class Explorer

Comms initiated, all systems checked, all looking good and ready for the road. I've uploaded the route that I worked on last night with nav officer. Did I say I had a bad feeling about that?
Gear up, off we go. 55 jumps to go to my destination,7 jumps for the carrier. I always go ahead and make sure that we don't end up in the middle of some shithole where there is no place to refuel. In the meantime I get to scan some systems as well, but nothing extraordinary came along this time. Still, worth the time.
I am about 13 jumps away from my destination, the carrier caught up as I was taking my time scanning everything. And that's where it hit me. That moron fucked up. I fucked up. The data we input into route planning computer was not accurate. We forgot to include all the reserve tritium. I quickly rectified that and guess what. Fuel was short. Fucking obviously. Is it Monday today? Well, I am not swapping back into the Mule just to top up 100T of fuel into carrier's main tank, we are stopping here. I will adjust the route later, but it starts looking like I will run on reserve for now. All that tritium we are hauling with us is causing the carrier to burn about 20T of tritium extra as if it was hauling just a 1000T of spare fuel. quick maths... that's extra jump per tank. Yep, we are burning the excess first.

She's here, I will get the crew to swap the components back to the Thunder, while I will have a word with that idiot...

Over and Out.

Second Entry.

Current Location: Cyoidai UV-L c24-1, landing pad 3 North Star Drake-Class Carrier.
Ship: HMS Thunder, Imperial Clipper Class Explorer

She is ready, I plot the route, informed first officer to take over. I asked the crew to load up some of Kongga Ale, I was not planning to return tonight, I'm not staying out without a beverage though. Computer shows only a handful of previously visited systems. That's more like it.

Gear up, boost away. Shields disengaged, Witch space - here I come.

Over and Out.

I can see a pattern establishing here. After visiting a handful of systems, I took course on Pheia Aewsy TF-F d11-26 and decided to make it my stop for a beer. First though I fired up the FSS and ow boy what a find there. An Ammonia World was first, but then the scanner kept showing up a signal in range of Ammonia worlds. But it was not one, an Earth-Like. With Rings. What a beauty. I took some shots, I only seen 1 like that outside of the bubble before. And this one will bare my name as a first discoverer.

It looks rather nice and seems like it is quite rich region as well. Would make nice spot for colonization.

Bottoms up.

Over and Out.

Daily Log Complete.
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