Logbook entry

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” Captain's Log: date and location: unknown?

30 Jul 2020Michalfocpl
First Entry:

Star Date: unknown
Current Location: unknown
Ship: HMS Thunder, Imperial Clipper - Class Explorer

I opened my eyes slowly, the pain was unbearable. All I can hear are alarms and Anika chaotic chanting "FSD malfunction, Thrusters Malfunction, canopy critical, oxygen level low... commencing oxygen synthesis...". I don't know how long I was out. But hearing OXYGEN LOW released so much adrenaline into my blood stream that I was able to clear my head a bit. Need to run diagnostics and see what are my chances of going back to the North Star. Fuck sake.

Second Entry:

It looks like it's 30rd August 3306... I lost nearly 3 days. I am starting to remember bits. I reached a system, can't remember the designation, I need to fix up the nav computer to get that. I need to fix it up to get anywhere anyway. But I remember it was a binary system, both stars were so close to each other, that despite great manoeuvrability of the Thunder, I was unable to escape the gravitational field... I got pulled out of supercruise so violently that I was thrown out of the chair... Looks like Anika managed to get us out of there, but the state of the ship is comparable to a Sidewinder after encounter with Thargoids… fucked...up.

Third Entry:

I managed to get the secondary AFMU working, primary was toast. I run out of ammo though, managed to fix FSD and thrusters. I need to hurry up, I am running out of oxygen and materials for synthesis are nearly finished. I got my ol' soldering kit, time to fix up the nav computer. I need to get the hell out of here. North Star does not have enough tritium in main tank to get to my position. She can jump to a system aprx 150 ly away from mine. With FSD Booster busted, I have 5 jumps to get to her. Time is running out...

Fourth Entry:

Boot successful. FINALLY!! I jumped into the seat. I was so excited... The carrier was already at it's destination. Get me out of this hell! "FSD Charging..." come on baby, COME ON!!!! She jumped... and again... and before long, I managed to limp my way to the landing pad.

I need to laydown.

Over and Out.
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