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A profitable tour you say?

13 Jul 2015Ginrikuzuma
Having returned from racking up kills partaking a side job as a mercenary on the Magaera in the Tau Ceti system, I heard a merry lot speak of a "Centum Imperialis". Seems like its both a tour route as well as a trade route that spans over much of Imperial space.
Deciding I had my fill of mercenary work for the time-being and wanting to jump back onto The White Inaba, I returned to Anlave to grab my trading freighter and look for information on this Imperial route.

"100 Stop Imperial Trade Circuit, Tour the Empire." A bit of a grandiose title but nevertheless this might help extend my break over my usual trade of indentured servants (see Imperial Slaves)  within Imperial space. My only concern is being interdicted by imperial forces constantly but what else is new, they see a trade freighter and see an easy mark. Nevertheless I'll enjoy the change of pace. Laedla seems to be the first stop.
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