Logbook entry

Grinding Ranks

24 Nov 2020PausenbrotTV
As a start a little bit of backstory.
I play elite now for quite a bit and I have ships im proud of, but non the less, I finally decided to get my imperial cutter.
I have 200+ hours, and I am assigned to Aisling Duval from the start. I was aware how to get progress in the imperial ranks,
But it was not very effective.
Today I decided to catch up.

I googled how to rank up fast, and of course I found the courier misson method. It seemed very effective and after some research and some thoughts, I gave it a shot.
It was not very fun to do, or very appealing, but it was the best I could think of.
So I flew down to Ngalinn and stacked my first 12 missions. The jump I had to make was only 3,9 ish ly.
After a loop of shame because my pet cat annoyed the shit out of me, I finally arrived at the small mining outpost.
After the smooth autodock I was checking my current rank, and I was aperrently stuck at squire with around 80%.
I turned in the missions and choose always when avaible the PlusReputation options.
And tadaaa, 100%.

I grinded this method and I also had no problems with the rankup missions. But when I hit viscount things got weird.
I started to get massacre missions for rankup, which aren't a problem for them self, but they where buggy af.
After I did those, I realised how big the difference was from the last few ranks. I got for the same amount of missions per turn only 15-25%, and with each turn I got less and less missions.

Now I'm writing this, and its 3am, and I'm just on count with 100%, because the follow up or rankup mission was buggy af.
I am hoping that I maybe get another mission tomorrow.

If anyone reads this, hey... don't think it's that easy.

Farewell in the meantime,

Cmdr Pausenbrot, signing off.

Fly safe Cmdrs o7
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