Cmdr Goruden Wulf
Special agent / Diplomat
Registered ship name
L.N.S. Pacifica
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python WULF11
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Logbook entry

The Vercors Lab Incident

06 Sep 2017Goruden Wulf
CMDR GUT was in the L.C.S. Solaria approaching Vercors Installation, Muspell , a place he was sure he had visited before. On final approach, he went to request docking clearance but there was no response. It appeared it was not a landable base and CMDR GUT was a little confused and checked his NavCon. Seeing another base, Vercors Lab, he quickly realised his mistake and aborted his approach and reset coordinates for the correct base.

CMDR GUT: "ASTRA, lock on to Vercors Lab and begin orbital approach"

ASTRA: "Target locked, orbital flight engaged"

CMDR GUT: "Begin final decent"

ASTRA: "I have a visual, orbital cruise disengaged"

CMDR GUT: "Request a landing pad please ASTRA"

ASTRA: "Request sent commander"

Vercors Lab Control: "Docking permission granted, please proceed to pad 05"

It was late and weather was appauling, torrential rain and high winds, visibility was poor. CMDR GUT could see pad 05's light guides over the opposite side of the base.

CMDR GUT: "ASTRA, we need to get this volatile cargo down ASAP. Plot a direct path to landing pad 05 and check for other traffic"

ASTRA: "Airspace clear commander, although a path around the perimeter of the base is recommended"

CMDR GUT: "We don't have time ASTRA. Keep the direct path locked"

CMDR GUT continued his approach at high speed across the middle of Vercors lab. With visibility so poor, he was relying mainly on his sensors.
The proximity alarm then started to sound!

CMDR GUT: "ASTRA, I thought you said the airspace was clear?"

ASTRA: "Airspace is clear, no vessels in close proximity"

CMDR GUT looked hastily at his con, confused that nothing was showing on his radar. "Then what the fuck is going on, ASTRA". Suddenly there was a loud slam.

ASTRA: "Collision detected"

CMDR GUT: "Collision with what, there's nothing on the radar?"

Vercors Lab Control: "Docking permission revoked"

CMDR GUT: "ASTRA, open comms to Vercors Lab. Request an explanation for the recovation"

ASTRA: "Commander, we are under attack"

CMDR GUT: "Hail them again and tell them to ceasefire, we are unarmed"

ASTRA: "They are not responding. Shields compromised!"

CMDR GUT: "Damage report"

ASTRA: "Hull heavily damaged, FSD offline, sensors malfunctioning"

CMDR GUT: "Holy shit, get us out of here ASTRA, max boosters!"

ASTRA: "Cannot comply, power plant failing"

CMDR GUT: "This cargo is going fucking explode. ASTRA, initiate abandon ship and upload all essential data to the escape pod. We've gotta go" CMDR GUT rushed to the escape pod.

ASTRA: "Escape procedure complete, all data transferred"

CMDR GUT: "Activate cloak and launch pod"

The escape pod boosted up into orbit as CMDR GUT looked down and watched the L.C.S. Solaria explode, sending shock waves shaking through the pod.

CMDR GUT: "ASTRA, Get us a safe distance away and send a distress signal back to Phiagre and call the ITSB in, I need to know what the fuck happened"

~ITSB Report to follow~
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