Cmdr Goruden Wulf
Special agent / Diplomat
Registered ship name
L.N.S. Pacifica
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python WULF11
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Logbook entry

ISTB Report: The Vercors Lab Incident

26 Sep 2017Goruden Wulf
CMDR GUT was enjoying a rare lie in after some recent long Spec-Ops missions.

****Priority Incoming Transmission****

CMDR GUT groggily turned over in bed. “Open comm link, computer”.

An image appeared on the comms panel. “CMDR GUT, I want to see you in the command centre at 0900 hours”

CMDR GUT, recognising the voice, opened his eyes to see WCMDR Veyder. Hastily, scrambling out of bed to his feet, he stammered in reply. “Yes…sir, I’ll be there”

WCMDR Veyder: “Good. I’ll see you shortly CMDR…and for God’s sake, get some clothes on!”

****Transmission Ended****

CMDR GUT, realised in his urgency to get out of bed and stand at attention, he had forgotten he didn’t have much covering his modesty. Then he heard a softly spoken, half asleep voice say, “who was that, Rob?”. He slowly turned around to see a young lady poking out from his covers. “That was the boss. Erm…sorry, I can’t remember your name!”. CMDR GUT struggled to recollect what went on at Bob’s bar last night and who the hell the girl was in his bed, but he didn’t have time to piece everything together. He had to get moving and get over to the command centre.

CMDR GUT arrived at the command centre with minutes to spare and made his way to Veyder’s office. With thoughts churning through his mind over what it could be about, he slowly walked up to Veyder’s PA. “The Wing Commander has requested to see me”. “Yes CMDR” she replied. “You can go right through”. CMDR GUT paused for a moment, as if in need to prepare and ready himself before entering Veyder’s office.

He knocked and walked in with a little trepidation as WCMDR Veyder turned around to face him. “CMDR, the ISTB report has come in regarding the incident at Vercors Lab in Muspell…You may want to be seated for this one.”. CMDR GUT eased himself into the chair opposite Veyder’s control desk, eyes wide open and listening attentively.

“The report states they were unable to recover all the data from the L.C.S. Solaria’s black box” CMDR Veyder starts. “However, the ISTB did identify that Vercors Lab had several systems malfunctioning that night. Despite their claims of the weather effecting those systems, the ISTB found two of those systems were inoperable for some period prior to 6th September. One of those was the Landing Approach Beacon, used as a failover when the ships own approach sensors fail. The second was the Proximity Beacon on their control mast.”

“So it wasn’t my fault, sir?” CMDR GUT queries.

Veyder continued “The ISTB have stated that due to the poor weather conditions and without the L.A.B. and P.B. working, your own ships approach sensors would have struggled to pick up the Control Mast. Based on this available information, they have found you inculpable and laid the blame firmly on Vercors Lab”.

CMDR GUT was visibly relieved and then asked. “So have Vercors offered any recompense, sir?”

“Hmm, this is where it gets a little contentious CMDR.” Veyder replies, before taking a pause and slowly closing the report. “Vercors dispute the ruling! They believe you took a direct approach across the port, a breach of docking regulations unless permission is sought and granted prior to landing. However, in the absence of the black box data and their own beacons being inoperable at the time, they have no proof and need to abide by the ISTB’s decision, but they are dragging their feet and have only offered compensation to the value of a base model Type-7”

“Can I ask what your opinion is on the matter, sir?” CMDR GUT asked, with a worried look on his face, as he began contemplating the possibility of being left severely out of pocket.

WCMDR Veyder: “Let’s just say, I know the Solaria was outfitted beyond the specification on the insurance database and that you had some volatile cargo on board that you were under orders to deliver quickly. LSO would not want those details escaping the walls of this command centre. Officially…I accepted the ISTB findings. I have also displayed openness with Vercors Lab to the possibility that certain regulations may not have been followed during landing. Unofficially, I understand that LSO missions can require the rules to be bent from time to time, CMDR.”

CMDR GUT debated asking the next question for a moment, but then cautiously asked “So what about my ship, sir?”

“Well I can’t see Vercors Lab offering up full payment. They've already lodged an appeal against the ISTB’s decision, so this could drag on for some time. I know you’ve been flying around in that T7 rental, which I’m surprised is even legal to fly…it’s a wreck.” Veyder then paused for a moment. “…but I spoke to Lakon shipyard yesterday and it's not good news. There’s been a delay on your replacement T7…”

“You’re fucking kidding me” CMDR GUT jumped in with an aggressive tone.

Veyder stared back at the CMDR, “That’s enough CMDR, I understand your frustration, but if you’d let me finish…”. “Sorry Sir, I just need a decent kitted out T7 back, I’m down 46% on my mission efficiency” CMDR GUT quickly replied in an attempt to justify his outburst.

Veyder gave CMDR GUT a few moments to calm back down.

“Do you remember the L.N.S. Pacifica?” Veyder inquired. “Yes sir, she was one of the most decorated Python warships to have ever flown in the Legion fleet.” She was retired when I was just a kid, I remember having the toys, she was immense” CMDR GUT replied beaming as he spoke about her.

“Well, what would you say if I said she could be yours?” Veyder asked, whilst already knowing what the answer would be and so continued “I heard in the early hours that LSO and the System Lords have been successful in SJC’s expansion into Yaroklis. Let’s treat this as a little thank you for your efforts CMDR”

“Are you kidding me, sir…I could leap over that desk and give you a…” Veyder cut the CMDR short “…that won’t be necessary CMDR. Just a whiskey would suffice”. “I’ll get you a whole god damn distillery, sir. I don’t know what to say” CMDR GUT said with a huge smile on his face.

“As you know CMDR, she’s been retired from the fleet for some time. Her last mission took its toll and she’s been sitting in disrepair in Abetti Survey.” Veyder brought up an image of the Pacifica on his screen and swivelled it around. “She’s rusted and has some heavy obsolete weaponry, but if you can get her flying again, then she’s all yours CMDR”

“I’m going to make her pride of the fleet again sir, mark my words” CMDR GUT stood up and gave the most energetic salute to WCMDR Veyder. “Thank you, sir”.

CMDR GUT left WCMDR Veyders control room and immediately hailed Greeboski’s Hanger Control. “This is CMDR GUT, identification code 9-7-0-3-0-1. Prep the L.N.S. Brenik for launch and pre-plot a course for Abetti Survey. I've got a restoration project I want to start working on straight away"
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