Logbook entry

Brave New World

30 May 2016El_Capitan17
Well, it has been an interesting several days since the update. I have had both of my A-Class ships, am FAS and Python shredded in combat. Haven’t lost them but have been taken down to 20% hull more than once. I have changed the load outs to rely on kinetic weapons (only one 3Cg lasers per ship) and either g frags or g multis for the rest. The NPC’s are too fast for lasers to stay on target to inflict appreciable damage.

Before upgrade or “BU”, I was an FAS happy bounty hunter and trader/explorer with my lightly-armored Python. After upgrade or “AU”, except for two or three bounty trips to RES and HRES to try out the new load out, the FAS has been parked. The Python is now getting all the work.

AU has forced me to take up surface mining, frame wake analysis, constant USS investigation, constant mission scrutiny, limpet materials collection and 100’s of LY travel to satisfy the new masters, “The Engineers”. The only ship that can do all of this efficiently is the Python. Luckily mine was already A-Class but the equipment has been juggled to keep the mission/weight/speed/armament/armor/cargo balance. I also bit the bullet and gave it reactive armor.

I have collected the mats for my first AU mod on my FSD at Farseer. On my way there now and results TBA.

Also moved to LHS 28/Flade from Nanomam/Gresley. LHS 28 is much better due to 15% discount, RES zones of all varieties and only lacks metal planets.

AU has changed everything for me, which is possibly what FD had in mind. Now if they could dial back the NPC’s to balance things out we could have a better game than BU.

I will say that “The Engineers” are head and shoulders above PP. At least you can get tangible results.
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