Logbook entry

Old habits die hard

28 Feb 2016O'SKAD
Day two:

I was at the bar, waiting my friend came back from their engagement and thinking about what i'm doing.

I'm planning to leave everything behind me, forget for times the "civilized" universe, with 7m into the pocket and letting fall all my reputation.
But something is tickle me and looking down to my drink, i can't resist to remembering the good time when i was docking in silent mode and wining a lot's of money.
And without even noticing it, i was reading the missions list. A wave was running down my spin and i needed reading the list a second time:
There were two mission with reward upper than 2m, two f**** mission. Without hesitation, i have accepted the missions and and ran through the corridors of the station finishing in time the mission.
I need to fly in silent mode and transport some slaves for someone  (I'm paid for flying not questioning).... well easy missions.

After some times i received a call from my buddie:
"- I'm back, ready for flying
- I need 10 jump to be here"

My friend waiting me during the jumps but it was quick. After that we goes to HIP 21353 near the Pleiades Sectors. That was fun even if my friend's ship had some troubles....

But finally we have reach BD-15447 for the end of our trip.

Exploring is fun. A little boring some times but with friends and a good book, it's great.

This is definitely the beginning of my new life.
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︎0 Shiny!
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