Logbook entry

A Star in the Dark

28 Nov 2019Nirakoji
27 Nov 3305
Hyades Sector DB-X d1-112

I got to hold my baby niece yesterday. Some things are worth keeping the ship in the dock for a few hours. This galaxy is a wide, uncharted, and oftentimes hostile place to be. Holding new life in your arms, however, brings a dose of perspective. Hauling rocks, bringing justice to the lawless wastes on the bubble's fringe, and plotting out trade routes can wait.

There are bright moments in the dark. We take our heat from the suns we pass as we forge into the cold, each making our way, searching. Searching for credits, searching for vistas, searching for companionship. It's those bright lights that are our waypoints in the vastness of the uncharted nether waters we roam. Hold on to those lights. Guard them. Cherish them. They're fuel to us, a fuel that sustains beyond the drudgery and the slaving away.

It's little ones like this child that stop you and bring about a reorienting to what matters. Safety. Connection. Memories to be made. There are those who rain injustice from their cowardly power. They lurk for opportunities to advance themselves by stepping on others. They pour wounds from their own wounds. When I was younger, I thought this world was a peaceful and safe place - sheltered in a bubble within the bubble. I'm older now, and I see that our way of life is rare in this existence. If even for a few years, I want to hold that bubble over her. And every day, though I'm a grain against a waterfall, I stand up to work more order and peace into the marketplace of life.

The Antioch is a quiet place to reflect. Miners have a lot of time to think. I'm not sure we always take advantage of that, by the light of lasers and limpets. Turn the music down and acquaint yourself with the rhythm of the stillness in the void.

Providence. Abundance. Justice. Safety. Hope. These are pillars to forge in the present for a brighter future for the lights we guide. This is the empire I want to see. That empire starts with me.

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