At Last, Beagle Point!
14 Sep 2020Space Boomer
I pulled into the Beagle Point system this evening after days of jumping through the galaxy. It seemed like forever. The path from my last waypoint was mostly devoid of nebula, so the space seemed to blur together. I did manage to find three more ELWs (my total count has reached fifty one first discoveries), but apart from that, there was so little variation.About eighty percent into my latest push, I came upon the Abyss. I can just imagine when the first explorers found this space and stared into the complete emptiness of it. There was a spot where I could only make out five stars ahead of me. I forced myself to push forward without sleep, just aching to make it to the last station. Whereas I was the first discoverer of almost every system for the first 60,000 light years of my trip, I didn't find a new system anywhere along my route through the Abyss.
I'm going to rest on the second planet of the system for a few days, and then I'll make one final push to Semotus Beacon. Then I will head back to my own carrier which has moved 4000 light years to the east.