Logbook entry

Building Capital

03 Jan 2018Mf1ve
After finishing up at Guaras (CG), I've shipped the Nautilus back to Jameson. The California Nebula CGs are interesting, but I'm a bit late to fly out and participate. Instead, I'll work to generate some credits in anticipation of buying the new ships as they are introduced.

Speaking of that, I did manage to solo a Thargoid (Threat 5) using an Anaconda (bananakin skywalker) built for the task. Previously I built a Type 10 for Thargoid duty, but I repeatedly ran out of hull. Generally, I would get three or four hearts but would come up a bit short down the stretch. The good ship bananakin did the job with 40% hull remaining on the first try (all of the practice in the Type 10 certainly helped).

I'd like to spend the time to generate a few billion CR, in case the coming player-owned hangar ships are priced less than 10B CR. It is not clear if they will require players to pool resources to co-own the ships as wings or even squadrons, and if so, the price could be set really, really high. For example, if the hangar ship masses 100 times the mass of a Clipper, will it cost 100 Clippers? That would be 20B CR. Even that price is doable now, if only just.

When the next update arrives, the current merchant meta will likely change. In the past, smuggling missions were the big thing, followed by skimmer missions. Both have been nerfed. Now we have passenger missions, with several juicy locations involving long, 1M+ LS in-system runs. It may be a while before the next way to make big money becomes common knowledge, so I will do what I can before the update drops. After all, grinding is a lifestyle choice.
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