Logbook entry

Enough... whatever that means

16 Jan 2018Mf1ve
I saw it through. Yes, thinking that I could someday have a squadron carrier (or merely a wing carrier?) I banked a solid amount of credits, just in case that helps. It took a while, but I'm finished with that... for now. Thanks, Mr. Smeaton.

But what next? Once again, I was late to the CG party, so I left the Cutter in the hangar for some detail work and saddled up the ol' Diamondback for a quick hop over to LHS 20.

Ms. Levy gets a little anxious if she doesn't keep the riff-raff under control, and I've been away for a while (to be honest, Jameson is home these days - no offense to the, er, chefs in the Ohm City mess hall). The Corvette was ready, so Emmeline and I took it out to the Haz Res for a trial run.

No real story to tell, just a hour or so of bug smashing. Those Anacondas sure make a pretty starburst. A real shame to splash 'em, but it's either them or the honest miners out there makin' a livin'.

And you know, it's kinda poetic - The miners work so hard to find ore and refine it, and the shipbuilders pound all of that metal into ships, so that some lughead can fly one right back out to the A-ring so I can turn it into a cloud of particles. Someday, those clouds will be new asteroids with new miners drilling 'em all over again.

That all earned me just enough to pay off my bar tab, so of course I started right in on a new one. Ugh. I ended up at a table full of station wonks, and they all pointed out that I do a lot for the Movement, but not for LHS 20 Co., Shenetserii Con., or any of the other folks. I caved and promised to help out.

Which is why I'm currently flying like a coked-out spider building a zero-gee web. Data and courier work is easy as long as you can outrun the bozos aimin' to end your day early.

I better take a break after this one.

Nah. Who am I kiddin'?
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