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My CMDR Bio and Back Story

11 Mar 2021User20854
James lost his family at a young age, this turn of events sent him down a dark road, He lost everything that mattered and he would take it out in the whole galaxy. Engaging in piracy, smuggling, making millions off of imperial slaves and illicit substances. He had made it good working with the Marki rats, so what if he stole? They weren't smart enough to protect their shit, that was their problem. They couldn't catch him either, that just made them idiots.
Then one day a military man came into the rat hole. No big deal, he'd seen his type before, the wealthy upper class liked to think they were spotless and above it all but they always came here for something, some skin, a hit or to fuck up someone elses day. Angel wondered what his link-up was.
He approached him with his usual swagger, trying to gain some insight on the guy. This Admiral didn't look down on him like the typical privileged do, but he wasn't loose-lipped either. Little did he know this man would change his life around.
James was working on his cutter after an encounter with a bounty hunter when Sterling caught up with him one day.
He learned that James liked to inspect all repairs and he was personally involved in any upgrade to each of his ships.
He watched him work, checking diagnostics after a new upgrade and making adjustments.
"You're pretty handy, ever thought of making a career out of that?"
James looked up at him
"You kidding? I make more money in one dirty run than I could make in a month of doing this shit."
Icarus watched him.
"Shit huh?"
James expression twisted.
"I mean… she's not shit, and you gotta know how to do this right, just.. Dammit you know what I mean, what I do pays more."
He barked more orders and ran diagnostics.
"You're not worried about getting caught, Imprisoned, Noone to leave behind?"
James grew tense and was very still for a moment.
"Nope, just me. Besides, what worse prison could they put me then one I'm already in?"he turned away.
Sterling let it rest, to change subjects Angel spoke up.
"You ever figured out what links you up?"
"Ya know what kid" he muttered "I think I have."
Sterling watched that young man as he worked and made a decision that day, and while he was gaining ground on Marki, he was showing James a better way, and after years of piracy and smuggling he found something in himself to be proud of.
DRInc took a hold in Marki, and he left the Rats and never looked back.
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